Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Busy Family Life

Well, nothing is new here, we're just busy, busy, busy! I am starting Christmas projects. Early I know, but I have the tendency to over-do it, so I have to start now! For one project I got to play with decorative thread on my serger. I was nervous that I'd mess it up, but it went really well and looks great. I'd post a picture, but the recipient reads my blog, so I guess I better not. I also get to do a cake for an auction this week, so look for pictures of that coming up.

Oh, I do have a new niece today, little Emersyn (Emery for short). I watched her older brothers today and let me tell you, 5 boys five and under (4 are 3 and under) can make a mess! My house looks like a tornado ran through it! But its all good, they had fun together and thats all that matters. So I must go tidy up. In two days I am watching my neighbor's boys so she can have her baby! Its better if they have a "clean slate" to mess up, more fun for them that way! Right!? That and I don't want to step on train tracks and blocks all day.

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